The Economics of being an emerging online business model

Publicado por Alexander Esguerra en

It started back in 1999’s stock market collapse, the rise of the empire’s and yet we were nobodies.

Came 2001 right after 9/11 then 2004 when two major online business empires almost ruled the world online to include advertising.

Enter 2006, good riddance to more pro-small business models like Google,  Yahoo, Windows,,  My-space and Facebook including our book notables like Abebooks,,, Choosebooks, Valorebooks, A1 books, Tom  and the ABA (American Booksellers Association) when venture capitalists in Silicon Valley where the king of the jungles influenced by the big shot major online players.

Yet, 2007 came start of the great recession after 1931 and a gradual change in the socio-political climate of the world in terms of technology and business.  Fall of 2008 made history having the 1st online high tech 44th President of the United States, a darling of the poor, a new robin hood in technological times and realization that even micro enterprise start-ups have the potential to someday experience the lives the king’s and emperors of silicon valley.

Today, 2009 brings a new generation of emerging online business models ala the period where emerging start-ups which was snob by venture capitalists before came to rule the world.

As we had continously emphasize our mission of affordability to the limited income earners, our social networks, and the people who have the kind generous hearts of supporting us at all we can say is a big hug of thank you’s.  Be it in terms of search engine rankings with Google’s book partner programs, yahoo’s small business team or Amazon’s virtual generosities, to you all we say thank you so much for being there during this phase as we shall forever remember all this good gestures.

As and emerges truly as a new social network for affordability in terms of fighting for low income earners,  be it in terms of advertising or seed capital now is the time to invest when the door opens as it will closed being a privately held company.

Tagged: ADLE emerges, ADLE on networking, books, books technology, emerging empires, GDI and ADLE on networking, internet empire, search advertising, technology

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