Adleinternational Talks — Ebayer

The Economics of being an emerging online business model

Publicado por Alexander Esguerra en

Success is 1% Inspiration and 99% Perspiration

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Bookselling now another victim of the Recession

Publicado por Alexander Esguerra en

Some stories of friends have great similarity to ours and we all agreed that we are not recession proof.  In the few years, the internet giants of the books industries have made very good mechanisms of maintaining, selecting and dropping small brick and mortar home based retailers.   Without the big guys even having their own masssive … Continue reading Bookselling now another victim of the Recession

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Les Hinton, steps down from News Corp. to be with Dow Jones

Publicado por Alexander Esguerra en

I remember Les Hinton as an ally of Billionaire Investor Rupert Murdoch in Australia and the Uk. This guys has incredible wits and business genius. I guess the $5 billion Dow jones merger is indeed a very big deal. Hence, James Murdoch, Murdoch’s annointed son was promoted to replace Les. Kudos and Good Luck to … Continue reading Les Hinton, steps down from News Corp. to be with Dow Jones

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Hello world! The Power of Money and Perception.

Publicado por Alexander Esguerra en

Success is 1% Inspiration and 99% Perspiration.

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