Life and Times of Alex Esguerra

The Pyschology behind Sexual Misconduct allegations currently in the political arena.

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Yesterday, the most talk about allegations on Powerful men including Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.), Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) and senatorial hopeful Roy Moore (R-Ala.) came into reality when Sen. Franken resigned followed Rep. Moore.
With the backlash on denials and accusations, people will either wonder if they are real or not or just simply politics. We can even remember the fact checker article prior to the election of our sitting President. 
The question lies on how and why such things that happened years ago are just now  suddenly getting allegations after all those years. The explanation is quite complicated as there are so many surrounding factors and circumstances.
However, one thing we should remember that politicians are humans like the rest of all of us. Whatever we do in our daily lives in terms of interactions and personality nothing differentiates them. What I do recall is that politicians when they act towards others like their staff, they can, maybe or will be perceived that they have the authority to command by virtue of their position.
Hence a politico may simply be saying "X" rated remarks to make a joke, tapping someone on the shoulder without thinking that the recipient person in the room feels obligated to either laugh or simply not say their objection. After the incident, the recipient goes on with his/her life until such time he/she hears an accusation to the said politician. Then after, the memories comes back in time so the said recipient may then come out all these years to join others in confronting the once mighty politician.
This is the psychology behind sexual misconduct allegations may take a while or years until the violator is confronted. Another part is the fear way back when the incident happened that the victim fears on retaliation like losing their job, etc.., as they were to be alone then if they did complain.
This is also partly why it suddenly becomes a trend or series of events and accusations. People start thinking and bravely comes out to complained when they see others are coming out against a mighty politician.
The lesson on these recent developments is that at some point and time, anything you had done or implied with an inappropriate conduct will haunt you as it it just a matter of time.

Alex Esguerra

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Holiday Memories to Thank you President and Mrs. Obama

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 Holiday Messages had just been released on November 20, 2017 by publishers, Create space Independent Publishing  It is memorable book highlighted by  former First Lady Michelle Obama, and concluding with the moving New Year's Eve address entitled "Privilege of My Life". This book is comprised of 9 Thanksgiving addresses, 9 Christmas addresses.  From 2008-2016 it records the different holiday addresses the Obama's had in literary collection. In this particular book listed on our site, we also shared a you tube video of the final interview of the Obama's, Final Interview With eight glorious years of a smooth non-controversial presidency starting with the financial crisis...

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What's Behind the Vision - ADLE International

Posted by Alexander Esguerra on

How Do You Integrate Success, talks a about the challenges be face while struggling on starting and running a home based start-up depicted with  operational cash flow issues, health challenges and limited income. With the challenges comes the areas of marketing, advertising, purchasing and fulfillment.  In my past life, luckily I've had the experience of starting a micro cottage enterprise which eventually sold for the rank of a fortune 500 medium size company with 300 employees in the 1990's. I've gone through success and failures but the entrepreneurial spirit inherent kept me to remain optimistic. Come 2017, after 19 years...

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As the book says, "Dangerous Case" on President Trump is it really or we already know this during the elections

Posted by Alexander Esguerra on

The Dangerous Case-of-Donald-Trump-27-Psychiatrists was release on October 3, 2017 and 3 days after this book is temporarily out of stock on bookstores as publishers, St. Martin's Press is scourging to do the reprints.
It has a compilation of 27 Mental Health professionals opinions in the American Psychology profession.  Whereas, these professionals consensus of the state of the 45th President's mental state posing a threat to him functioning as Commander in Chief.
Aided with the assessment of usual patient observation, symptom's and probable diagnostic theories, these health professionals connects the complex to mental illness syndrome. From hedonism, narcissism and impassivity in relation to the different approaches and observed behaviors on the president, these professionals ultimately transfers the final  results on diagnosis to the readers. Hence this is because they are constrained by the existing rule of the American Psychiatric Association that inhibits them in getting involved and diagnosing public figures. As any assessment, they simply outline the observed behaviors, patterns, symptoms and connects them with the existing or possible historical complex conditions which may be the condition or illness of a patient. 
The case brought about by the book centers on the sociopath behaviors seen from the 45th President. As some of the authors cited the fear is that with such conditions like these, it graduates over time and fear of the worse will thus impede the functions of being commander in chief. Although the authors cited the president loves and succeeds in gaining power, it's also an inherent trait of him being a business man, an aggressive one.
This is why over and over throughout the book, the writers emphasized it is an assessment and not a diagnosis per se. The contention is that the assessment of being dangerous or dangerousness  is very different from a diagnosis. As the book writes on tendencies similar to the recent speech during the United Nations General Assembly when he spoke about the threat to totally destroy an enemy like North Korea, in a body built towards fostering diplomacy among-st nations.
Regardless of the different conclusions the readers of the book will arrived to, it is still highly commendable that these psychiatrist had taken courage through this book and their assessments are indeed compelling with the evidence, factors and observations. These writers are aware of their Golden Rule with the APA and understands the impact the information might bring to the reader and the population in general.
So if you are a dire hard history collector, will indeed be a good keepsake for the next generation.

Alex Esguerra
ADLE International

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Predictions then, HB1, DACA and the Proposed Wall on the Immigration Policy Process

Posted by Alexander Esguerra on

Straddling The Border
Straddling-the-border-immigration-policy-and-the-ins is a book I took out from the bookshelf this Labor Day Weekend amidst the burning heat wave in San Francisco, CA.
I briefly remember browsing through the pages of this book while Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden were still part of the constant news media syndication's. It was also the time as stated in the book, Microsoft's founder, Bill Gates testified to the US Congress on his distinct need for foreign workers on the annual limits on the H-1B visa workers program.
Over time, the cap on this visa has gone lower yet technology became more and more a part of our daily lives. Hence, a big chunk of the Silicon Valley workforce depended on highly skilled workers from overseas. Lately, if you have been current on events, the Medical healthcare sector issued their own responses on the further cut on H1-B visas for the medical professions. MD's (Medical Doctors) as well as RN's (Registered Nurses) also pools a lot from immigrant workers specialized on this field. From cancer to immunologic diseases that plague the American Healthcare, one would think the tables would have be opposite by increasing more visas available yet it's not,
Three weeks ago, major news networks in California reported a Nurse Latina worker living in the US for 2 decades was deported back to her native country living her children on their own. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D) of California as I've mentioned in the previous tried to intercede but her efforts were only good for 24 hours. The remedy would be a special law created for this person which will be almost impossible considering even if approve by Congress would need the signature of the current President. 
Quoting from the book, " The 1998 Gallup Poll data suggest that a majority of Americans believe that most immigrants are undocumented and of Mexican decent. It is reasonable to assume that this belief is attributable in large part to the portrayals of immigration issues, particularly in the border states of the Southwest. While there are legitimate immigration concerns, exaggerated, misguided, and inflated accounts of immigrant issues by politicians perpetuate pejorative social stereotypes".  
One of the past campaign slogans I remember was to "bring back the jobs to America" to stop the jobs being outsourced. During that time the news covered on Call Centers booming in third world countries for customer service calls. I for one supported the slogan due to my own experiences trying to call a real person in customer service only to find someone in overseas which I didn't have an issue except that it was too hard to regretfully repeat and explain the nature of my call/issue and nonetheless can barely understand what the person on the other line was trying to communicate to me.
Understanding more the INA or the Immigration and National Act of 1996 in the book gives an overview how the change on the Immigration process change then. Yet it also gives an on overview on how this act is so far old and needs revisions and find tuning. It is hard to predict whether the statement on the 1998 Gallup Poll exaggerated by politicians was a precedent to the Trump campaign in the 2016 elections or simply President Trump stereotype Mexicans or if he indeed truly thinks it would be economically beneficial in building the wall between the United States and Mexico.
As of this writing, millions of the dreamers of DACA are rallying while awaiting their fate from the President. It's been days Mr. Trump has waited for a decision whether to extend or leave DACA alone or abolish it. Some say, the fact that there is a waiting time may be a good sign as he may be deeply contemplating on the outcome right after hurricane "Harvey" in Texas where a big chunk of the dreamers live. Unfortunately, I had to revised this last statement due to the announcement that President Trump just decided to end DACA with a 6 month delay.on a news blast by
For now, let us remember what the United States was founded on, and as a nation of immigrants contributing to it's economy and it's greatness. God Bless the United States of America.
Alex Esguerra


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