Bookselling now another victim of the Recession

Posted by Alexander Esguerra on

Some stories of friends have great similarity to ours and we all agreed that we are not recession proof. 

In the few years, the internet giants of the books industries have made very good mechanisms of maintaining, selecting

and dropping small brick and mortar home based retailers.   Without the big guys even having their own masssive inventory stocks,

the small guys are the ones buying and resselling, the develop quality and shipping standards, make money through services,

commissions and fees and most of all the consumer’s payment which they use as cash flow as they have  scheduled payment

after a week, two weeks or even a month after finally paying the small guys.    In the meantime the small guy only has two days

from receipt of order to deliver to the customer in good quality and fastest way.

So it is still the samll guys who get ding, scolded or even expelled if these rules are not followed of if the customer complaints.

So in turn the consumer does not want to buy a book online sometimes as they are not sure if the book ever get on time.

Tagged: Customer retention and loyalty, Customer Service, Entrepreneurs, Finance, Frugality, GDI and ADLE on networking, Living Frugal, Managing Money, Paycheck to Paycheck, Powerm Perception, Repentance, Save the net neutrality on the web, Save the planet, Success, Thriftiness


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