Life and Times of Alex Esguerra — President Trump

Yes We (Still) Can, a Preview

Pubblicato da Alexander Esguerra il

Yes We (Still) Can

As my writings are more link to current issues and events including current governments, I normally don't do a lot of reading and writing on the past.
For some reason, I was convince to preview the few parts of this book precisely due to the humble introduction made by the author, Dan Pfeiffer when clarified through his Reader Beware annotation saying that the book is not about the Obama years, continuing that he is not an historian but mostly a journal of how remembers his Obama affiliation, and Obama's last Pod Save interview with him. He wanted to connect the present state of politics and his thinking on the future is why I sort of said it may be relevant to the present.
This book is a side by side challenger to Trump's America authored by Former Speaker Newt Gingrich where he compared the anti-Trump Coalition and the Trump die hard. Contrary, Dan Pfeiffer navigates to Why and What happened to the election of the new president which leads to the Anti and Pro Trump coalition in Gingrich's book. The main relevance for me is that Pfeiffer tries to create an argument to young people that politics is worth engaging to. The very essence of why I continue on youth advocacy through my blogs and writings. I do credit the author Former President Obama as indeed it was in 2008 that change the scenario of US elections when the young people in that election was historic in votes making Obama President. 
As Pfeiffer explained, just on the Obama written book of Dreams of My Father, touch on being young, mixed cultural race towards a rising minority to the highest office in the most powerful country in the globe. The author himself cited his personal travails starting in 7th grade in Japan, his recollection of the politics and presidents from that time forward. Later towards Obama's presidency that he created his executive order on DACA and the Dreamers knowing the broken immigration system. Obama knew it was not going to be on watch even if some day there was indeed an overhaul on the immigration system.
His first year in office was spent on the Financial overhaul and modernization needed to come out of the deep recession. Any business person including the current commander in chief have a an understanding of what and why this crisis was. Of course how the statements of the current administration on this a deliberate attempt of mere discredit to a legacy.
The Affordable Care Act in another issue has been debated through this day at the start of the new administration. The goal of eradicating a legacy keeps popping up from all fronts including fake news and the democrats. As I end on this short commentary, another interesting piece I read while previewing this upcoming bestseller is on how President Trump has change the traditional ways of Presidential communications.
On this part regardless, I will have to agree on how Mr. Trump has revolutionized the structure of easy communications from a sitting president through constant daily tweets. This part I find President Trump also a businessman gains credit. The files of paper overloads and staff just to answer letters and communicate by previous presidential staffs  were tremendous. Not only had we reduce waste of paper etc.., The Office of the President has shown a better each to reality. I would end on what Dan Pfeiffer said that instead democrats should be looking on the history on how Obama won in 2008 using social media and the youth instead of looking at each tweet President Trump does everyday.

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Predictions then, HB1, DACA and the Proposed Wall on the Immigration Policy Process

Pubblicato da Alexander Esguerra il

Straddling The Border
Straddling-the-border-immigration-policy-and-the-ins is a book I took out from the bookshelf this Labor Day Weekend amidst the burning heat wave in San Francisco, CA.
I briefly remember browsing through the pages of this book while Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden were still part of the constant news media syndication's. It was also the time as stated in the book, Microsoft's founder, Bill Gates testified to the US Congress on his distinct need for foreign workers on the annual limits on the H-1B visa workers program.
Over time, the cap on this visa has gone lower yet technology became more and more a part of our daily lives. Hence, a big chunk of the Silicon Valley workforce depended on highly skilled workers from overseas. Lately, if you have been current on events, the Medical healthcare sector issued their own responses on the further cut on H1-B visas for the medical professions. MD's (Medical Doctors) as well as RN's (Registered Nurses) also pools a lot from immigrant workers specialized on this field. From cancer to immunologic diseases that plague the American Healthcare, one would think the tables would have be opposite by increasing more visas available yet it's not,
Three weeks ago, major news networks in California reported a Nurse Latina worker living in the US for 2 decades was deported back to her native country living her children on their own. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D) of California as I've mentioned in the previous tried to intercede but her efforts were only good for 24 hours. The remedy would be a special law created for this person which will be almost impossible considering even if approve by Congress would need the signature of the current President. 
Quoting from the book, " The 1998 Gallup Poll data suggest that a majority of Americans believe that most immigrants are undocumented and of Mexican decent. It is reasonable to assume that this belief is attributable in large part to the portrayals of immigration issues, particularly in the border states of the Southwest. While there are legitimate immigration concerns, exaggerated, misguided, and inflated accounts of immigrant issues by politicians perpetuate pejorative social stereotypes".  
One of the past campaign slogans I remember was to "bring back the jobs to America" to stop the jobs being outsourced. During that time the news covered on Call Centers booming in third world countries for customer service calls. I for one supported the slogan due to my own experiences trying to call a real person in customer service only to find someone in overseas which I didn't have an issue except that it was too hard to regretfully repeat and explain the nature of my call/issue and nonetheless can barely understand what the person on the other line was trying to communicate to me.
Understanding more the INA or the Immigration and National Act of 1996 in the book gives an overview how the change on the Immigration process change then. Yet it also gives an on overview on how this act is so far old and needs revisions and find tuning. It is hard to predict whether the statement on the 1998 Gallup Poll exaggerated by politicians was a precedent to the Trump campaign in the 2016 elections or simply President Trump stereotype Mexicans or if he indeed truly thinks it would be economically beneficial in building the wall between the United States and Mexico.
As of this writing, millions of the dreamers of DACA are rallying while awaiting their fate from the President. It's been days Mr. Trump has waited for a decision whether to extend or leave DACA alone or abolish it. Some say, the fact that there is a waiting time may be a good sign as he may be deeply contemplating on the outcome right after hurricane "Harvey" in Texas where a big chunk of the dreamers live. Unfortunately, I had to revised this last statement due to the announcement that President Trump just decided to end DACA with a 6 month delay.on a news blast by
For now, let us remember what the United States was founded on, and as a nation of immigrants contributing to it's economy and it's greatness. God Bless the United States of America.
Alex Esguerra


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