Our Holiday Choice, “Amber Brown Is on the Move”

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51k8Y4gio4L._SX309_BO1,204,203,200_  Amber Brown is On The Move 

Can’t believe the season is almost here just about when the talked about US Mid Term Elections concluded yesterday, Nov. 6, 2018.

Now it’s back to the wish and shopping list in time for the Holidays of 2018.  As we celebrate the diversity and the huge turn out of the youth in the recent concluded elections, it’s time to prepare our kids for the festivities and educate them of the historic process. After all, our kids are our future leaders in the next generation.

We love reading the Amber Brown series with kids when they visit our bookstore! It is a perfect series to discuss real life situations and it way that simplifies intense subjects for young children. We are down to the last few books in the series and I have to admit I will be sad to let Amber go. Through books and he Amer Series as an example, we empower our children of understanding life realities in an easier manner for them to understand.   Great for discussion and for inspiring children to reach within themselves for personal essays.

Bruce Coville author of this book as a young reader  loved Mary Poppins and Dr. Dolittle, and had fond memories of rising ahead of the rest of his family so he could huddle in a chair and read THE VOYAGES OF DR. DOLITTLE. He also read lots of things that people consider junk (Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, Tom Swift, and zillions of comic books). His only real regret is the time he spent watching television, when he could have been reading instead. (A mind is a terrible thing to waste!) Just like today’s television counterpart our our tech toys and smart devices, it still important that we educate our kids through reading interesting books.

Watch out our Amber Series as well as selected juvenile fiction and non-fiction bestsellers at ADLE International

We have most of these books on the lowest price deals, free shipping and surprised discount deals this holiday shopping 2018.  And most of all checked out the great rare classics which you may not even think still exist out there.

Happy Shopping this 2018 Holidays.

Our Team at your service.