Why the need for Impeachment

Publié par alexesguerra le






Reading through history, analysis of the events and the words and facts in prior years are evidences of the intent. The unfortunate thing is that is about “Politics”. A scenario from time and time again was the main strategic moves of the dictators from 3rd world developing countries. The fact that this strategy is now the main advantage used by Political parties in the most powerful and richest nation in the world only means that it is now a sophisticated strategy against a democracy that is great threat not just to this nation but the global world.


This latest coup attempts marks historically perspective for the first time on the land of the free. the epitome of democracy, the United States of America. A country sought by immigrants for refuge and dreams of economic freedom. A country who placed children in cages, a country who has desecrated family immigration based on the color of their skin and culture, a country who named undocumented tax paying law abiding immigrants as criminals in these last 4 years. The Obama- Biden administration had the first years of their administration to fixed the US immigration system which they had failed

The coming first 100 days of the Biden-Harris administration will be a test. No matter how much diversity of once cabinet is, without validating a Immigration reform will solidify the future of the Democratic Party that this is one thing they can never accomplished in their call for unity.