Life and Times of Alex Esguerra — Hillary Clinton

Holiday Memories to Thank you President and Mrs. Obama

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 Holiday Messages had just been released on November 20, 2017 by publishers, Create space Independent Publishing  It is memorable book highlighted by  former First Lady Michelle Obama, and concluding with the moving New Year's Eve address entitled "Privilege of My Life". This book is comprised of 9 Thanksgiving addresses, 9 Christmas addresses.  From 2008-2016 it records the different holiday addresses the Obama's had in literary collection. In this particular book listed on our site, we also shared a you tube video of the final interview of the Obama's, Final Interview With eight glorious years of a smooth non-controversial presidency starting with the financial crisis...

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If The President does it, that means it's not illegal, is it still true even today

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The Conviction of RICHARD NIXON by James Reston, Jr. writes the foreword, "If the President does it, that means it's not illegal," as quoted was the brazen words uttered by Richard Nixon in his famous interview with David Frost in 1977.
Nixon continued and argued that the President is immune. As the book describes about eavesdropping, cover up, and bend government agencies like the CIA and the FBI for his own political purpose. National Security and "Executive Privilege" hence when exposed were "mistakes". With such words and predicament came about "Obstruction of Justice", the case for impeachment which led the way for Nixon to resign as it was inevitable.
Reading through this book trying to get a well deserved sleep gave a lot of comparison to the new book, 
The Case For Impeachment by Allan J. Lichtman . Professor Allan J. Lichtman, who has correctly forecasted thirty years of presidential outcomes, makes the case for impeaching the 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
Excerpt of the book annotation, "The Case for Impeachment also offers a fascinating look at presidential impeachments throughout American history, including the often-overlooked story of Andrew Johnson’s impeachment, details about Richard Nixon’s resignation, and Bill Clinton’s hearings. Lichtman shows how Trump exhibits many of the flaws (and more) that have doomed past presidents. As the Nixon Administration dismissed the reporting of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein as “character assassination” and “a vicious abuse of the journalistic process,” Trump has attacked the “dishonest media,” claiming, “the press should be ashamed of themselves.”
Historians, legal scholars, and politicians alike agree: we are in politically uncharted waters—the durability of our institutions is being undermined and the public’s confidence in them is eroding, threatening American democracy itself."
With the recent testimony of the Former FBI Director James Comey about being asked repeatedly on the Russian interference investigations in  the 2016 elections, and the case of holding on to his position simply gives a more stronger case of Obstruction than the last impeachment case of Bill Clinton on an affair which never got passed. 
The months and circumstances to follow next will be part of the American history books as it unfolds. From the time this new book by Lichtman was release in April 2017, it hasn't yet gotten that much sales from a bookseller standpoint yet however this book is soon to be such an enormous bestseller that the publisher Dey Street Books will probably continually be making reprints.
For now, this is a new discussion between supporters of then failed candidate Hillary Clinton and the current 45th President Donald Trump.

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Foreign Policy, Global Security and Target Outcome

Posted by Alexander Esguerra on

While starting my Sunday reading the,
reminds me of the years following through the various travails of different political administrations, the news media and current events.
Reminiscing back a few months prior to the November 2016 Presidential elections in the few times I've overhead topics being discussed by both Hillary and Donald, I've sort of expected today as forthcoming when regards to Foreign Policy. While I do recognize the deeper thought on putting America first and focusing more domestically, never in the history of the world that Foreign diplomacy and policy has been put aside considerably as what the initial speeches stated.  Given the recent developments in Syria, the chemical attack and the missiles deployment, admittedly brings the realization for the new commander in chief that there's no such thing as domestic focused Foreign Diplomacy and Policy. 
The Obama administration for sure had deliberated on the same type of missile firing yet only went that far with sanctions and over involvement in foreign diplomacy. Contrary to what this new president thought about Obama's too much involvement with Syria he had to use military force to retaliate. Exercising military force is another discussion point but the shift now has tremendously change on vital importance of Foreign diplomacy as a leading World Power.
Now the whole world watches as to what will be the next steps to the current scenario on Syria, maybe to the  extent of finally ousting President Assad of Syria now that Generals are back in the core of the Inner Security Council planning strategies together with the president. Hence with these deliberations on security goes hand in hand with foreign policy strategy recommendations needed which this president might exercise or not.
So I'm going to end this short blog with Richard Haass latest bestselling book, A World in Disarray where he writes about  "The United States remains the world’s strongest country, but American foreign policy has at times made matters worse, both by what the U.S. has done and by what it has failed to do. 
As Richard Haass explains, the election of Donald Trump and the unexpected vote for “Brexit” signals that many in modern democracies reject important aspects of globalization, including borders open to trade and immigrants."

Alex Esguerra
ADLE International
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Barack Obama's Legacy as he winds down his "Yes We Can"

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Obama's Legacy: What He Accomplished as President hardcover book was released right after 9/11's historic day on 9/13/2016. Written by Michael I. Days who is an editor of the Philadelphia Daily News. Philadelphia was one of the turn around states on the recent US presidential elections which Obama won in 2008 and again Hillary's magnanimous campaign did not persist seeing high wins of newly elected US President Donald Trump.
Michael Days showed how Obama surpassed the Greatest Recession of Modern Time in 2008. President Obama the first African American in US Presidents is credited as having the biggest lifeline of job growth in all US Presidents, two thirds reduction in the federal budget deficit and how he revitalized the greatest slow and record numbers of the stock market.
As any sitting president, the greatest challenge is the lack of cooperation of the US Congress, a scenario that President Elect Donald Trump has not seen yet. After his inauguration this January 20, 2017 starts his new life as president politician entirely different from the scope of doing business as an business person. 
This book on Obama writes " Through it all, the President who campaigned a slogan of "Yes We Can!" has persevered in his determination to make a difference and left an indelible mark on American politics and the world". Days continued is stating LEGACY is a commemoration of his eight years in the White House.
One of the remarkable things Obama started off after taking office was implementing the auto industry rescue plan that saved almost 1 million jobs in GM and the like. General Motors in turn retrieved it's glory as the premier car company in the globe.  Hence this year, GM reach enormous profits it gave one share of profits to every GM worker with individual checks to a tune of US$11,000. 
Obama also signed the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act, closing many of the loopholes that allowed corporations to send jobs overseas and avoidance in paying US taxes by moving money overseas/offshore. This is one particular policy that is going to be scrutinized by the new incoming administration when the new president starts his slogan of "Making America Great Again".  Another on the watch list is the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" where the health sectors inflation had tremendous ceiling drops in 50 years. Nevertheless, Trump and the Republican controlled Congress vowed  this to be repealed.
In August of 2011, the NLRB or National Labor Relations Board issued a final rule under Obama's directive requiring employers to notify employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act of Nov. 14, 2011.  The notice states that employees have a right to act together to improve wages and working conditions, to form, to join and assist a union, to bargain collectively with their employer, and to refrain from any of these activities. Examples of unlawful employer and union conduct and instructs employees how to contact the NLRB with questions or complaints.
Thus, the current White House has the historical library of policies and enactments of Obama. It is fair to note that Obama had also repealed some of the policies of then George W. Bush when he took office. So it just justifies the plans for newly elected President Trump that he plans to revisit and repeal some of Obama's policies.
Over the years in business, seeing politicians and or working through inter government projects of an ensuing administration, I can say that politicians always have a signature policy they want to accomplish, be known for, leave history and may or not continue the previous policies of the former administration. But it is also fair to say that every political figure including US Presidents that their main goal is to improve the lives of the citizens they were elected by.
Hence on January 20, 2017 as we watched the traditional setting off of US President Barack Obama, the first black president in US history in Marine One, we can simply say, "Thank you President Obama" till we meet Citizen Obama.

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