Bush on Environment climate change – lameduck too late or not

Posted by Alexander Esguerra on


President George Bush announced today his action plan on climate change. I believe he is really sincere in living a legacy behind like the rest of other American Presidents Roosevelt, Clinton, etc..,

However, a lot of environmentalist are also outrage that this might be a lame duck policy as just to put his name together with history files.

Well, for whatever it is the important thing is we are now realizing what the global environment changes has done to society.

That’s not to say, how oil prices has affected the economic downturn or the effects after years of enrichment by the oil barons.

It’s about time. A time to change from war and oil mentality yet not Obama’s save the elite culture but what is the working class all about. The unions and most of all the low income earners and those in poverty.

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Long live the planet,

Alex Esguerra



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