China says toys had toxic substance (AP)

Posted by Alexander Esguerra on

China says toys had toxic substance (AP)
By adleinternational

URL: China says toys had toxic substance (AP)

So is it right for moms just to ask a store where the “Toys” are made? Some people say we are generalizing China per se but you know what only if you have a kid will you understand what “Safety and Security” is all about.

It is not about “Made in China”. It is about, how safe will my kid be after I have done everything in my power to raise them well anyways.

So much for looking what the ingredients are made of as I simply don’t understand these labels anyways. What we care for as a parent is that:

1. Are there warning labels and usage for the toys?

2. Is there a CE logo and or sign of approval by the Products Safety Board and Standards council?

3. Are the pieces well described on how many are contained?

4. Are they made from plastic, wood, recyclelable material which can be toxic?

5. Is this toy or game, Made in the USA, Europe or a manufacturer that I myself as a kid did not make me sick or ill?

Bu then again, whatever it takes I have to buy my gifts, my toys and games for my kids. After we kill ourselves for our family, kids and friends.

Go slow, cautious but still BUY your gifts.


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